The Economic Education Network for Experiments

Economic education research has taught us a lot over the years about pedagogy and student learning, but most of what we know comes from studies and experiments run at single institutions in classes usually taught by just one or two instructors. These studies have two big weaknesses: low precision and limited generalizability. We believe we have an opportunity to address both of these and make a big leap forward in research productivity.

The Economic Education Network for Experiments (EENE) is a new collaboration of instructors around the world that cooperate to develop and run synchronized studies in their classrooms. We will tackle important research questions, come to agreement about study protocols, implement treatments, collect comparable data, and pool our samples. These pooled samples will be big enough to give us precise estimates, and because we have a wide range of courses, institutions, and students, we will be able to generalize our results. In turn, these results will help us all improve our teaching, increase student learning, address equity issues in our classrooms, and potentially increase diversity in our profession.

We would love for you to participate! There are two ways you can help: First, we need a list of committed (or at least interested) participants for ongoing and future studies. We need representatives from big schools and small schools who teach big classes and small classes, so everyone is welcome! Second, we are always looking for economists to help with the development of the studies themselves.

As many of you already know, you will likely need IRB approval at your institution to participate in an EENE study, but we will help you through this process as best we can. These processes are slightly (or more) different at each organization, but we will share protocols that have been successful and help answer questions and address issues the IRBs will inevitably raise. We commit to include any participating instructors with local IRB approval as co-authors on papers that result from EENE projects.

If you want to join EENE, please fill out this form and tell us about yourself, your research interests, and the classes you teach. Then head over to join our member site, the EENE Hub. You’ll have to create a Qubes account if you don’t already have one. The Hub is where members discuss ongoing EENE studies and exchange ideas for new studies. It’s also a place where we can talk about our teaching and teaching-related research more broadly and give each other support and advice.

Feel free to email us with any questions you might have, and please do spread the word to any other economics instructors that you think might be interested.

We hope you will join us!

Doug McKee (Cornell)
Bill Goffe (Penn State)
Emily Marshall (Denison)
George Orlov (Cornell)
Brandon Sheridan (Elon)